API Docs for: 0.2.0

File: src/Exception/InvalidPrivateKeyException.coffee

This file is part of the Lockbox package.

Copyright © 2013 Erin Millard

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.

Exception = require './Exception'

# The supplied key is not a valid PEM formatted private key.
# @class lockbox.exception.InvalidPrivateKeyException
module.exports = class InvalidPrivateKeyException extends Exception

  # @class lockbox.exception.InvalidPrivateKeyException
  # @constructor
  # @param {mixed} key     The invalid key.
  # @param {mixed} [cause] The cause, if available.
  constructor: (@key, cause) ->
    super 'The supplied key is not a valid PEM formatted private key.', cause